Monday, March 10, 2008

Our cry for justice and truth

Lately I've really noticed how much Christians scream out for justice and truth. Whenever there's an issue that deals with an injustice that seems to be occurring, Christians and churches get really worked up about it. I'm not saying that's wrong. In fact, often I'm quite proud that we are advocating for victims or those that are denied the liberties that most of us take for granted.

On the same token, we get worked up about things that seem to be against our understanding of truth. Again, I'm not saying that's bad. In a world that denies the idea of right and wrong, who will be the prophet if it's not us? But sometimes I think the world knows us more for what we stand AGAINST rather than the things that we stand FOR.

But there's a real fascination these days in the churches for this stuff and I guess I wonder why.

When I think about my relationship with God, I am not standing before Him screaming for justice. My prayers for myself are much more for mercy and grace than anything else. In fact, I'm really glad God doesn't lambaste me with truth and justice. God is gentle with me. Grace and mercy.