Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Catching up with Science

Almost everywhere these days, there are ads to correct, enhance or supplement the way we are. The vitamin supplement industry is a multi billion dollar enterprise. Almost everyone knows someone within their circle of friends that has had either some kind of 'enhancement' surgery - whether it is cosmetic or corrective (as with laser eyes).

So here's the question. Because we can. Is that a good reason for us to do something?

Is there a line to be drawn as far as what we are willing to do to 'improve' our lives? Most of the time, we leave it up to the individuals concerned. If it makes them feel better about themselves, then why not? But what about the way that God made us? Didn't God make us in His image? Did moles come out after the fall? Should convenience be a good reason for us to mess with something as delicate as our eyes? Do we medicate ourselves for everything just because it's out there and we can?

Those that know me will know that I'm all for the latest fad. I'm not proposing we go back to the Stone Ages. But maybe, we do need to slow down so our theology can catch up with our science.

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