Tuesday, June 26, 2007

So when's the coffee house? And other stuff....

So when's coffee house gonna happen? Thursday nights at Java World. We'll start July 5th from 8pm-9pm. It'll be lowkey and just a chance to chew the fat around some of this stuff. I'll be preaching on one of these themes on Sunday. It might not resemble the blog but the idea will come from something we write/talk about and I'll do my best to see what God thinks about it in the Bible.

"Everyone said how lucky I was" is the title of the article about a girl that fell 25 feet onto a creek bed and survived with minimal injuries.

My son tells me a lot that he doesn't believe in luck. But I actually do. When we play tetris and no long straight pieces come when we need it, that's bad luck. The computer has an algorithm that randomizes the pieces that will fall. I don't think God moves the dice around so I always end up going to jail while others land on free parking. That's bad luck.

But when this girl fell and survived, that's providence. And a miracle. They are around us all the time. We slide on black ice through an intersection and there's no accident. Our car breaks down and someone stops with just the right tools and skills to fix it. We run out of money and mysteriously a cheque comes in the mail or we find some under the couch. Not luck. Providence.

And there's more. With all the talk about why God allows bad things to happen to good people, have you ever wondered why MORE bad things don't happen MORE OFTEN? I was sitting with some acquaintances the other night and each one of them was sharing horror stories about when they drove drunk. Do a search on the internet and you'll see there's all kinds of crazy, weird people in the world. You don't need to look to Al-Quida for that. They're everywhere! With all the pesticides, chemicals and junk we're putting into our food and our bodies, it's a miracle that the average lifespan is as high as it is. Those things aren't coincidences. They are providence. I have no idea why some people seem to get the short end of life's stick. But don't complain about not getting grace because we all get it. Can you imagine the world without it?

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